Now Actors - Martin Quinn
Now Actors - Martin Quinn
Now Actors - Martin Quinn
Now Actors - Martin Quinn
Now Actors - Martin Quinn
Now Actors - Martin Quinn

Martin Quinn

Martin Quinn is a Sydney based actor who loves working on new work and devising pieces of abstract theatre. Since graduating from the Bachelor of Performance at the Australian Institute of Music, Martin has taken every opportunity to further develop his skills as a storyteller and dive deeper into the dramatic arts.

For Imprint Theatre Company, Martin worked on the physical/devised piece “KillJoy”, a performance piece that competed in Short and Sweet (2017). Other highlights include touring in Don’t Look Away’s wacky and wonderful version of Frankenstein for Theatre Works in St Kilda and working on Ibsen’s “The Lady From The Sea” for La Mama in May 2018.

In the future Martin hopes to continue creating original work with an emphasis on physical movement and music as well further exploring the world in front of the camera.

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