Sam Ren
Sam Ren is an Actor, Writer and Film Director based out of Perth, Western Australia. He started making short movies and government based modelling since 2011. Sam Ren, a disabled man with many different skills. In 2012, using his filming and video editing skills, he made a documentary about his life in Perth which he presented at he Australian Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Association conference in Sydney .
Sam grew up in Perth Western Australia and attended Shenton College. While he managed to outperformed his teacher’s expectation, he was never too successful at school. This didn’t stop however from taking on other entrepreneurial pursuits with the help of his friends. Sam has had many different experiences that he uses all of them to run Sam Ren Production and his YouTube channel. He never gives up on anything. Sam wants to get experience of everything so, he is taking his time to become a model.
Sam Ren Video