As a creative and passionate individual, Regan found himself drawn to like minded adventurous individuals in his high-school years. Regan was born and raised in the North Western suburbs of Perth W.A. where he learnt classical violin at an early age and then guitar in high-school. It was during his high-school years that Regan began to perform, in drama classes and then at friends parties on the weekends with musician friends. During these years Regan and his older brother perfected the art of imitating lines from their favourite movies and comedy tapes. Countlessly rewinding and playing the tapes in order to perfect the line until the tapes wore thin. These amateur exercises have helped Regan to imitate friends, colleagues and accents, remember lines, and understand the importance of their delivery and the intonation of every word. Regan has performed in a number of underground Perth bands in innumerable shows; singing, playing guitar and also playing drums. Each time expanding on his performance and attempting to perfect his presence and entertain the audience. After recently taking the step into the professional actor arena, following encouragement by acting and performing friends, Regan has already been cast in numerous projects, including the 2019 Transperth ad campaign as the stop/ slow sign traffic worker. Regan is determined to perfect his acting and performing skills, looking to attend courses in 2019 and beyond.